We’re fighting for a Green New Deal to expand public ownership, rapidly decarbonise our economy, and create millions of good green jobs.

And we need your help to do it. 

In 2019, we built a movement that put a Green New Deal at the heart of Labour’s General Election manifesto. Backed by trade unions including Unison and Unite, we organised with Labour members across the country to pass a conference motion in 128 local parties, calling for a massive state programme to invest in and transform our economy.

Now, we’re continuing the fight by building a strong left coalition to win a Green New Deal that’s led by and for working class people. We need people to get involved in lots of different ways, and that’s why we’re asking for people to mobilise in the Labour Party, in their trade unions, and in their local communities.

Here’s the different ways you organise for a Green New Deal :

1) Join or start a local group

Local groups are about building power and starting campaigns in your local community. We have over 30 local groups, in locations from Milton Keynes to Glasgow.

Join our local groups welcome call:

Or find your nearest group on the map below:

Questions? Drop our local groups support team a line at lgndlocalgroups@gmail.com.

2) Join or set up a group in your trade union

Mobilising in trade unions is a vital way to build support for a just transition, and to ensure millions of quality green jobs are a part of the shift to a clean, decarbonised economy.

Email the trade unions team to find out how to join or set up a group in your trade union: tradeunions@labourgnd.uk

 3) Organise in the Labour Party

After successfully pushing the party to adopt a Green New Deal at the heart of its 2019 manifesto, we’re putting pressure on the new leadership to stick to their promise and keep the policies from the 2017 and 2019 manifestos.

 4) Join one of our national teams

Our national teams work across the organisation to build up the movement and get the message out there. This ranges from social media and press to events and policy. To see what opportunities there are to get involved, head to our recruitment page.